Charles Murray: Sayer of Things that Must Not Be Said

As the World’s Most Politically Incorrect Novelist, I have a great admiration for Charles Murray because he so frequently says Things That Must Not Be Said.

He’s got a new article out today in the American. The upshot?  Men have bigger brains than women.  And what do all those extra neurons do?  Well, those neurons give men better visual-spatial ability than women.

Give me a minute here before I continue writing.  It’s news like this that lays me out on the floor in laughter at all those ignorant feminists.

Remember that big flap in 2005 in which Harvard President Lawrence Summers had to kiss the jackboots of sourpuss feminist groups for daring to speculate whether women might be “underrepresented” in mathematics because of innate differences in ability between men and women? Well, it turns out that Summers’s speculation is likely right.  I wonder if those feminists are now going to issue an apology to Summers?  I’m not holding my breath.

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