Less Academics, More Narcissism

Heather MacDonald, a great and notable sayer of Things That Must Not Be Said has this great article about the budget cuts in California Universities.

Basically, California has been wasteful and wanton in spending its citizen’s money.  This wastefulness is now starting to pinch the budgets of California’s universities.  So, what goes on the chopping block?  Well, it’s certainly not the masters degree program in computer engineering.  Our young people need those skills to compete in a modern, technological economy.

Certainly, you would think, that wouldn’t be cut.

Well, you’d think wrong.

Maybe you’d think that some of the nation’s top cancer researchers employed by California universities would have a better shot at keeping their jobs?

Again, you’d think wrong.

Of course, not everything was on that chopping block.  No, siree.  The diversity thugs kept their narcissistic and oppressive little rackets going.

Well, you might think, if California’s cutting cancer research and computer science degree programs, at least the diversity enforcers won’t be getting bigger budgets next year, right?


But they’re not adding diversity programs that only duplicate the diversity programs already in existence.  They’re not, right?  Please say I’m right this time!

You must be thinking about a world in which the insane Left doesn’t control our Universities!

I can imagine the sourpuss diversity thugs whipping up their jackbooted minions into a frenzy in the style of Mel Gibson in Braveheart.

“They can take our math, our chemistry, our physics  but they will never take away OUR DIVERSITY!!!”



Frankly, what this most reminds me of is this, the most disgraceful thing ever said by an American in uniform:



Indeed, it would be a tragedy if we couldn’t find a cure for cancer.  But it would be a bigger tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty in the War on Cancer.

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