R.I.P. Vaclev Havel

I took a minor in economics.  Not one time was Friedrich Hayek or Milton Friedman mentioned.  Not.  One.  Time.

So, it’s no surprised that, even though I took a history major, Vaclev Havel wasn’t mentioned.  Not once.  Nohow.

Why is that, do you think?  Havel was a dissident playwright.  The left, and therefore professoriat, love dissident playwrights.

Well, it’s because he was the wrong kind of dissident, that Havel  Here’s what Transterrestial Musings had to say on the occasion of Havel’s death:

Don’t expect the media to make a big deal of it. He was the wrong kind of dissenter, being too American for Europe. The fact that he never won a Peace Prize, while Yasser Arafat and Barack Obama did, says something very fundamental about the corruption and uselessness of that once-honorable achievement. I’d also note (to cite a tweet) that he’s an example of the ancient dictum (that I just made up) that a country can do a lot worse than having a dissident playwright as a president. Mamet, 2012!

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