I took a minor in economics. Not one time was Friedrich Hayek or Milton Friedman mentioned. Not. One. Time.
So, it’s no surprised that, even though I took a history major, Vaclev Havel wasn’t mentioned. Not once. Nohow.
Why is that, do you think? Havel was a dissident playwright. The left, and therefore professoriat, love dissident playwrights.
Don’t expect the media to make a big deal of it. He was the wrong kind of dissenter, being too American for Europe. The fact that he never won a Peace Prize, while Yasser Arafat and Barack Obama did, says something very fundamental about the corruption and uselessness of that once-honorable achievement. I’d also note (to cite a tweet) that he’s an example of the ancient dictum (that I just made up) that a country can do a lot worse than having a dissident playwright as a president. Mamet, 2012!