Truth-phobic lefties protest commercial.

Dennis Prager said it best:  “Truth is not a left-wing value.  Feeling good is.”

Few examples can better illustrate Dennis’s principle than the actions of a group of truth-o-phobes in New Zealand.  They’re protesting because a commercial for women’s products points out a forbidden truth that is completely obvious for all to see.  What is this forbidden, yet obvious truth?

Actually, there are three:

That a man pretending to be a lady is not really a lady.

That a man is not a lady even if he thinks he should be.

That the only kind of person who can be a lady is, in fact, a lady.

Excuse me while I repair to my fainting couch.  If I’m not back in five minutes, bring the smelling salts.

Anyway, you can click the link to read the boilerplate silliness spouted by the protesting group.  I’m not going to quote it here (though I will mention I had a great deal of fun parodying that kind of silliness in Bias Incident: The World’s Most Politically Incorrect Novel).

Anyhow, for your amusement, you can watch the offending commercial here.

It’s actually pretty darn amusing.  See what I mean when I call those lefties “spoilsports”?

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