I have had a lot of respect for Victor Davis Hanson since I first heard about his revolutionary theories about the origins of Western Warfare.
But lately, I’ve grown to respect him all the more. Why? Because he’s a sayer of things that must not be said.
Here he is on racial preferences:
Eric Holder once called us collective cowards for not wishing another conversation on race on his terms — a request echoed now about every week by the Black Caucus or some op-ed writer as the campaign heats up. Sadly, we know where these conversations lead and the parameters in which they must be conducted. If in doubt, ask a liberal like Bill Cosby or Juan Williams the wages of trying to transcend the cult of victimization and redress.
In our mixed-up, intermarried, and multiracial society, we really do not know who is quite so-called white anymore, and who is not — and increasingly don’t care, despite the race industry’s efforts to use 1/16-like rules to prove authenticity.
No one quite knows why a dark-skinned Pakistani-American does not qualify for preferences, and a light-skinned Brazilian American with a trilled last name sort of can. No one quite knows why the ancestors of those who were interned in camps, or of those blown up while working for the 19th-century railroad, often outscore the majority on math tests and therefore must have an unspoken quota placed on their numbers admitted into universities, while those who recently immigrated from the Caribbean on average perhaps do not outscore the majority, and therefore must receive federal preferences as if their ancestors were discriminated against. But one does know quite well that any discussion that touches on higher per capita rates of illegitimacy, single-parent households, drug use, state dependency, or criminality must not go beyond the parameters of either racial bias or the legacy of past prejudice. Taboo is any reference to cultural attitudes or practices. Self-, rather than government-, help is a profanity.
So we know where these state subsidized “conversations” of Mr. Holder go and we’d rather pass on the charade. Again, the government can continue its racial surveys, racial symposia, and racial obsessions, but most just opt out of all that. To paraphrase Michelle Obama, the answer is not that we are stereotypical “angry white guys,” just that we are tired of the same old communiqués and finger-pointing from the Ministry of Information faces on the big screen. You see, some may still nod, but no one believes any more.