Shut Up, said the Feminists. Women Paying the Price.

The feminist war against reality has been raging for decades.  Ten years ago, they had mastered the tactics necessary to shut up their ideological opponents.  Now women are paying the price for the snake-oil the feminists were selling them.

NPR reports:

“A decade ago, a campaign by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine sparked a vicious backlash. Ads on public buses in several big cities featured a baby bottle shaped like an hourglass, to warn women their time was running out. But women’s rights groups called it a scare tactic that left women feeling pressured and guilty.”

Feminists, desperate to get women into boardrooms and onto soccer teams made sure that women knew how to prevent pregnancy.  Just as importantly, they made sure to use their “shut up” tactics to hide the awful truth from those foolish women who wanted to submit their bodies to the patriarchy and bear children.  At least, that is, until it is too late.

And their campaign has been all too successful.  Knowledge of how quickly fertility declines is woeful.

What’s the chance a 30-year-old can get pregnant in one try? Many thought up to 80 percent, while in reality it’s less than 30 percent. For a 40-year-old, many assumed up to a 40 percent success rate. It’s actually less than 10 percent. And when you keep trying? The survey finds many think you can get pregnant more quickly than it actually happens. It also shows many women underestimate how successful fertility treatments are. Nail has now had six unsuccessful rounds of in vitro fertilization.

And so…

“The first thing they say is, ‘Why didn’t anybody tell me this?’” says Barbara Collura, who co-authored the survey and heads Resolve, the National Infertility Association. She laments that no federal agency pushes this issue, and neither women nor their OB-GYNs tend to bring it up. Though, Collura admits that fading fertility is a hard message to deliver.

Let’s see.  Why did nobody warn you that you would soon be barren?  Because the feminists who occupy the commanding heights of our culture told those people who tried to warn you to “shut up.”  That’s why.  How do you like those feminists now?

Yeah.  I thought so.

After decades of grrl power movies and images of glamorous celebrities who “have it all” women are not always eager to hear the truth.

“Let’s be honest, women don’t want to hear that they can’t have it all,” she says. “We can have a great job, we can have a master’s degree, we don’t need to worry about child-bearing because that’s something that will come. And when it doesn’t happen, women are really angry.”

That wonderful culture that those lefties promised you… all of it… it’s all a pack of lies.  Don’t believe a word of it.

8 Responses to Shut Up, said the Feminists. Women Paying the Price.

  1. nerdygirl says:

    Really? Cause I learned in high school (comprehensive sex ed FTW) all about that, fertility tends to decline after 30, significantly after 35, with complications and defects becoming more likely. (Tough it was the internet that taught me men after 40 are more likely to have downs kids or other defects) Those who believe they can get pregnant super quick or easily after 35 are merely delusional or think pregnancy tropes on tv happen often in real life, as opposed to for dramas sake.

    Also, for the “have it all” woman, anyone woman with any amount of sense going into a field that requires significant commitment, law, medicine, finance, etc. KNOWS they have a fairly limited window to have kids, just career-wise. I think you’re stretching with your accusations against feminists.

    What I’m more annoyed with is our that our culture considers IVF before adoption.

    • admin says:

      You know, there’s a “sweet spot” for having a successful marriage. If you marry between 22 and 25, your chances of divorce are greatly lessened. If you start trying to have kids then, your chances are at close to the maximum.

      Gotta plan ahead. Put away those acorns while it’s still the season…

      P.S. Happy Death to Kim Jong Il day.

      • nerdygirl says:

        Enh. Some studies also show higher levels of education (not all that many have PH or equate to less chance of divorce. Also, suggesting that a certain age for marriage is best kinda (beyond statistics) sends a not so subtle message amounting to “screw you” for those of us who are approaching or over 25 and haven’t found someone to spend the rest of our lives with. Of course, at least the states aren’t as bad as some other cultures are about unmarried women of a certain age.

        Anyway, I’d also like to point out that feminists have also been the driving force behind paid maternity leave, and that studies show women with a good work life balance tend to be happier, and that people in general with a good work/life balance tend to be more productive.

        Happy Dead Dictator day to you too.

        • admin says:

          “Also, suggesting that a certain age for marriage is best kinda (beyond statistics) sends a not so subtle message amounting to “screw you” for those of us who are approaching or over 25 and haven’t found someone to spend the rest of our lives with.”

          That’s sort of like saying, “you know, telling me that smoking might not be in the best interests of my health is a not so subtle message amounting to ‘screw you’ for us smokers.”

          (I don’t smoke).

          • nerdygirl says:

            Smoking is the choice of one person. Marriage is the choice of two people.

          • admin says:

            And there are things that you can do to maximize your chances of having somebody (whom you would choose to spend your life with) choose you.

            The question is how important having that happen is. If it’s more important, you will find out what to do and do it. If it is less important, you will leave it to chance or even do things that prevent it from happening.

            People choose how they want their lives to be.

            Getting married was extremely important to me. I did what it took. Consciously.

            Incidentally, the chapter in Bias Incident in which Jeff Jackson, our protagonist goes on a date with his love interest is based quite closely on my actual first date with my wife.

  2. nerdygirl says:

    Ah. That was supposed to say (Not all that many have masters and PhD’s by 25)

    Melting chocolate currently. Very distracting task.

    • admin says:

      Don’t get any on your keyboard.

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